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Unfortunately, nutritional deficiencies are common even in adults who believe they are getting the proper amounts in their daily diet . The liver also produces bile which helps with the process of digesting foods. So damaging your liver with excessive alcohol can cause poor digestion and reduced nutrient intake. With fewer nutrients in your body, your hair has a hard time growing. It’s true there is a lack of research on whether stomach inflammation specifically caused by alcohol affects hair loss. However, when we look at the high occurrence of alopecia in people with IBD, the connection appears strong.

alcohol and hair loss

Robert Dorin, MD, is a hair specialist and the medical director of True & Dorin Medical Group in New York City. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. You should avoid short-chain alcohols (like ethanol, alcohol denat, etc.) as they can dry out your hair.

Male-pattern baldness

Moreover, many people who are experiencing hair loss due to alcohol are doing so because they have abused alcohol for many years and are likely addicted. In this case, it is best to seek professional treatment from an alcohol rehab near you. Many people believe that because alcohol makes them drowsy, it leads to better sleep.

Before you realize it, your hair may start falling out in clumps. However, it’s not just a lack of nutrients or a poor diet that connect alcohol and hair loss. Alcohol can also cause hair loss by interfering with theabsorptionof essential vitamins and nutrients. Drinking can destroy the lining of the stomach and increase acid production in the digestive system, which makes it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients properly.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, not getting enoughbiotin, iron, or zinc can lead to noticeable hair loss. Some hair care and household products contain alcohol that may also damage the hair with excessive use. But if you suspect hair loss, and especially if you are genetically predisposed to pattern balding, you should stop drinking completely. You can then focus on making positive changes to your lifestyle which can contribute to regrowth. There is nothing wrong with a glass of wine a few nights per week, or a beer or two over the weekend with buddies.

alcohol and hair loss

Depending on your type of hair loss, you many need to have your thyroid levels checked. Medication or other treatments may be needed to get your levels back to normal ranges. In fact, severe or long-lasting hypo- and hyperthyroidism may cause hair loss and thinning of the hair across the whole scalp. This may happen suddenly or over the course of months to years.

Alcohol Consumption Often Means Choosing Foods That Are Unhealthy

This means that you can take all of the biotin you want, but if you’re drinking heavily, it may not have much of an effect. Alcohol is also a diuretic, which means it can lower potassium and magnesium levels in the body, making healthy functions, such as hair growth, more difficult to manage. Keep in mind that hair loss due to alcohol consumption is most common among people with alcoholism or people who can’t control their drinking. While one beer or glass of wine every once in a while won’t threaten the health of your hair, binge or chronic drinking can.

alcohol and hair loss

In 2012, researchers from China discovered that estrogen promotes hair cycle retardation in mice . Essentially, higher levels of estrogen in the male body can cause the follicles to prematurely enter catagen phase and even result in telogen effluvium. All of this to say, quality sleep and low levels of stress are crucial to a healthy body and hair.

Pattern baldness is a form of alopecia that can be caused by iron deficiencies. Alopecia is an autoimmune skin disease that causes hair loss. Second, try to have a balanced diet.This would include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Including fruits and vegetables would likely address any deficiencies with Vitamin B and C as well as your folic acid levels. This too would likely aide in other health concerns that you have.

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Fatty alcohols (like cetearyl alcohol, lauryl alcohol, etc.) from natural sources, like coconuts, are preferable because they keep your hair moisturized. Aloe vera is a medicinal plant used to treat burns, scrapes, and even small cuts and wounds. Its moisturizing properties can combat dehydration and irritation on the scalp . You can apply aloe vera gel to the scalp and massage it with your fingertips. However, make sure you are not allergic to it by conducting a patch test first.

  • This technology is clinically tested, and some laser cap brands have FDA clearance for safety and reliability.
  • If you’re suffering from hair loss that doesn’t respond to lifestyle changes, the experts at RHRLI are here to help.
  • I began working in Long Island, NY and then in Guelph, Ontario after moving to Canada.
  • A lack of folic acid, then, can lead to lower levels of oxygen and nutrients being delivered, which can damage the hair irreversibly.
  • For some, this may mean asking for help which can be challenging.

Although alcohol may indirectly contribute to hair loss through its effects on your nutrient intake, it generally isn’t considered a major cause of hair loss. However, if you’re a social smoker, it’s worth considering the effects that smoking while drinking could have on the health and appearance of your hair. Countless micro and macronutrients are involved in hair growth, from vitamins A, B12, C, D and E, to minerals such as zinc. This, along with the loss of minerals in your body, can lead to alcohol poisoning or other health conditions related to hair loss. If a person drinks a large amount of alcohol, they can develop mood changes and mental health issues that can often lead to stress.


Reducing or quitting alcohol consumption may be simple for someone who doesn’t have a drinking problem, but it can pose a bigger challenge for someone with alcohol addiction. Sleep also has a direct impact on hair loss due to our hormones, especially melatonin. Poor sleep reduces the amount of melatonin our body produces, which can contribute to hair loss, as well. Drinking alcohol may cause hair loss to the point of baldness. If the roots remain dead, the affected areas on the scalp remain without hair and cause small bald patches. Unfortunately, the chances of natural hair regrowth are very slim once you reach this stage.

Whatever the cause, it is clear that alcohol and blood sugar spikes are something to be aware of. In this article, you will find out the truth about alcohol and its relation to hair loss. Daily drinking can have serious consequences for a person’s health, both in the short- and long-term. Many of the effects of drinking every day can be reversed through early intervention. Keeps is one of many options for hair loss treatment, with some advantages and considerations. On average, men should aim to drink about 15.5 cups of fluids each day, women should aim for 11.5 cups.

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Microneedling has been shown to induce hair growth in humans in numerous studies. There are dozens of diets out there that claim to be the eco sober house ma best one for your health. But many of them can be quite restrictive, and others may be entirely lacking in certain essential food groups.

Does Alcohol Affect Hair Loss Directly?

Keep in mind there are multiple types of hair loss, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about your type of hair condition and potential cause. A study conducted from 2009 to 2011 compared the lifestyles of twins, and then looked at how lifestyle stress affected their hair loss. Two separate studies found that insulin resistance in both men and women corresponded to higher rates of androgenetic alopecia .

Usually, if the hair roots are dead, it is difficult to regrow hair, and you may need to get a hair transplant. However, before taking any drastic measures, try to heal the affected hair roots at home. Shampoos containing beer have become popular recently for their effectiveness in giving you strong, soft, and lustrous hair. The use of beer in shampoos has become popular due to the composition of the beverage. You may not have a full head of hair immediately after stopping, but dealing with the root cause is the first step to nursing your mane back to health.


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